I went to Orlando Comic Expo here in Orlando this weekend. A relatively new convention that is held in a DoubleTree ballroom...a few vendors and a few comic artists.
But even though only a few artists I was able to meet and get sketches from Keith Pollard on Daredevil as seen below (excellent sketch but it took the loonnggeesstt of any artist that I have met so far - I even had to leave to run an errand and come back later - luckily it was only 20 minutes away).
Additionally, Keith did the top right Spider-man sketch (also excellent) and I also met another artist, Bob Hall who did the top left Spider-man sketch (and that one only took 5 minutes!).
So to date I have gotten 31 sketches from Amazing Spider-man artists and 25 sketches from Daredevil artist.
More to come at my next stop - HeroesCon in Charlotte in early June. Can't wait!
Best drawings so far!!!